Makta Pond <>

#BloodRoom101 : 911 Text Interface : X ack : TechnoREALism
1 message

Real Up Human [.net] <>Wed, Jan 6, 2021 at 10:44 AM
To: Unknown <>
This manager put a note on my window to call the number for help call for help that is National Suicide Prevention line now I'm going to have to call them again they asking me:
Am I suicidal?

That is the legal standard they have to put into the record.

Without a resolve of the matters that are outside and if they forced entry to subvert the process which they are hiding from. 
That is the police department themselves. 

Oppressively I guess will become suicidal.

I'm sticking to my guns this is a national security issue. And they won't go get the record to release their ignorance and start to see the perspective of what happened here and what is happening here if that's the building management. 

well I'm not responsible for their ignorance. 

I told them of this page. 

I am sending this record to my Host server. 

All of this non-existent reality they have to put it into my MySpace is irrational on their part to even engage me. I'm not here just hang out trying to live in a blood room after all. I have somewhere to go by parents house and I'm sick and tired of how do you justify my insults of this is real. 

Hell fucking no, i am not delusional - no matter whom is that control upsets reporting. 

So I called back the Madison's number this year on my phone. I told him to open his Wi-Fi and see that this signal broadcasting and go there to remove your ignorance. . 

He had nothing to say and hung up on me. 
he's lost his ability to hold his argument against me. 
 this began with him. 
Not providing the San Bernardino Police Department has a my need of priorities. 
