James Driskill <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>

Age 52 - 53 In Two Months Will this status be true: #ConspiracyExposedTerminatedandGone
4 messages

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 1:44 AM
To: Age52@realuphuman.net
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>

A story of my plight from hate --- you are responsible to carry this story upward into my case management..... for all facts are documented to the web.

The number 53 is my favorite number of all time.  It represents many things in my life.
It has been my favorite number since I was a little boy.  Some of my friends know
what this number represents and why it is my favorite number, but most don't know
what it represents.  But on September 1st, 2018 I will be 53 years old and I must recognize .this passing year for sure.

For this birthday, I have repeated a recycle of homelessness in a conspiracy
that is not my fault.  This has occurred now twice in the very exact same way.

The process is described in community addresses #01 and #01D and #02 Please approve pop-up media player for spoken voice text narrative interface player.

It was in 2006 that I received a hate campaign that I characterize
as being gaslighted with hate messages and lies that went so deep.

It would not stop!   I was cyber stocked online, cyber harassed, cyberbullied, and cyber hacked, an entertainment account that the FBI would not involve themselves in identifying the hater's collective smart cookies elite.  For it was September 3rd, 2005 that I created a trap account online at a particular web domain site that eventually got hacked on October 1st, 2005 with the following stats:   This history is part of the record that has been documented inclusive of eviction case WG06266106.  The date of this capture of stats, this is what it shows online in a post: here 

Number of logins: 7
(all times Pacific) Most recent login: 9/3/2005 4:17:25 pm 272 days ago
Profile created:  9/3/2005 6:37:45 am 273 days ago
Profile last updated:  10/1/2005 8:32:53 pm 244 days ago

I proved it was them and not me.

It leads to my eviction from Oakland California but before I left this town, I did meme these events under their web memespace extremes.  For in May of 2005 a full year
prior to my last day of eviction, I defined on Urbandictionary where the motto on that site is Define Your World.

Top Definition
There are two adversary forms of humans which are the Fucked Up Human and the Real Up Human. To scale from one or the other, all humans fall somewhere in line by every action that a human makes -- even each and every last keystroke being done.
Well be real up ya all humans... ok?
by In the Mindway May 01, 2005

But still, this does not stop the haters from hating their way into my life.  In June, I registered the domain namespace of @Realuphuman.net and @fuckeduphuman.net, but still, this does not stop the haters from hating their way into my life.  You would think they would stop, but they did not.  They pressed it all the way to eviction where on my very last day of the final collapse of my stay for eviction finally succumbed to this corruptive system, it was July 16th, 2006.  This is when I registered the internet middle namespace of @gruwup.net Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace and took a plane and my computer back to the house where I grew up in San Bernardino.  

No, we can't stop this hate collective elites!  But I have at least identified in 2016/2017 when' the same thing started to happen again in Denver --- that it was sourced to be the social service agencies themselves..... not some black force of hate that is among me external of my life deliverance connectivities.  What is extreme here is not just some
a random employee of social services, but the leadership director control themselves are responsible for this hate and harassment and endgame eviction that they have set
my life into chaos and collapse --- a great sufferance has occurred that I want to be
able to build a life free of the haters collective elite.

For the age of 53 represents Herbie.  Disney's Movie called Herbie The Love Bug, a
white Volkswagon Beatle racing car with the assigned racing signature of 53.

Will I get my birthday wish for this September to have exposed this conspiracy into acknowledgment and termination?  So far the hater's collective elites do not realize how very much serious I am in my separation demands of a new paradigm change
of a commitment letter of resource that must be issued by the Ryan White Care
act Agency to which locale I will call eventually call home.  This a promise that if the hater's collectives elites begin their hate on me, that I have a resource to be able to identify the haters collective and stop this hate outright. I don't deserve such a state of affairs to collapse my life into suicidal thoughts and actions.

See community address #01D : http://community.gruwup.net/01D

A Suicidal Road Car Trip To Nowhere in 2010 when I left San Bernardino to end my life.

" I eventually found myself leaving town unannounced to my family by escaping on a suicidal car driving road trip to nowhere.  Along the course of this trip, I was highly serious to my doom of dumping my car along with me by driving over the side of cliffs as I was driving by in mountain areas.  In the desert of Death Valley, I drove on the wrong side of the road to be opposite of oncoming cars, we call this playing chicken thus turning out of jeopardy at the very last minute. 

Along with these in driving actions of doom gloom activities.  On that hot day I found myself driving through in Death Valley, I got out of my car at a point of interest sight location and started to walk without question to nothingness.  This along what was a dry river bed.  I eventually tired.  I am sure I walked more than 3 miles out before laying down to rest.  I had no motives but to lay there and die.  I tell you this is the truth.  It was almost dead up sun overhead noon when I laid down.  I could not even find a shadow to hold me but cramped into some corner in the rock side and cried to a level I know was unyielding of any one else being able to hear me or listening.

Eventually recovered somehow to resolve to walk back, I am here now.  But this is a very actual depiction of the state of emotional duress I was under while driving these roads during this trip to nowhere.

Even with this story detailed in an email to case management and building management in July of 2016, does not stop the hater's collectives elite from hating on me.  They pressed it all the way to an eviction filing against me on November 30th, 2016 in Hopwa HIV/AIDS Housing in Denver.  That is World Aids Day Eve.  These people are the haters collective elite and there is nothing in the way of intervention to create the enforcement for them to stop hating against me.  This is a fact of circumstances that must be applied a paradigm change and it is the undeniable and unconditional truth of destruction otherwise. 

Without this refocus commitments letter that social services will not allow hate to win, the paradigm that is established by the Cascade Aids Project Glass Door Review detail the problem with leadership control of these corporation non-profits, the field industry problem hate creations that is not just a single localized concurrence of circumstances.  This established long-term paradigm allows the haters to win.  This is insufferable.

[DIR] suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ 
05-Jul-2018 03:41

With Spoken Voice Text Narrative of the Web Chat to Suicide Prevention Lifeline:

This Glassdoor Review for Colorado Health Network proves it is them and not me. Twice, I have proven it is you all that needs a paradigm shift intervention, not me.

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 3:28 AM
To: Age52@realuphuman.net
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>

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Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 9:42 AM
To: Age52@realuphuman.net
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
Animated Video [ Mp4 ] Attachment - Case Management Basic Human Needs - This to allow the haters to finally lose.

[Quoted text hidden]

Real Up Human [.net] <realuphuman.net@gmail.com>Thu, Jul 5, 2018 at 10:15 AM
To: Age52@realuphuman.net
Cc: Sue Lowe <slowe@desertaidsproject.org>, Michael Muller <mmuller@desertaidsproject.org>
The intermediate matters of great concern conclude within Twitter DM,

The wording is not perfect, but you get the point. The circled basic human needs are the needs being lost by allowing the haters to win and I lose.

  • Because I am a smart technology enabled person of our Internet society, I am hated on for being me, myself, and I. This ain't right and you all know it. you have to apply some decency among social services to fulfill my obligations of mission work goals, full participation in our society per the United Nations Convention for Rights for Persons With Disabilities -- or else you are EVIL!

  • my = our society's obligations of mission work goals. Those goals state it clearly, full and equal participation in our society per the United Nations Convention for Rights for Persons With Disabilities. President Obama signed the document meaning the document is enacted and enforced on a per case basis. it does not matter if the Congress drops the ball of common decency to not ratify it to effect policy changes nationally among all governments, all corporations, all of society's structures. It is active on a per case basis. This is such a case. You are evil if you don't apply these ideas into mainstream outlook processes. You would be evil to overlook these priorities for some kind of mistaken agenda of conflict of interest that I know you all have to change the way the clients are treated with dignity.


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    See Also: Quality Over Quantity - No Hidden Agendas

    Art thou dejected?
    Is thy mind o'ercast?
    To chase thy gloom,
    Go fix some weighty truth;
    Chain down some passion; do some generous good;
    Teach Ignorance to see, or Grief to smile;
    Correct thy friend; befriend thy greatest foe;
    Be just in all things; make amends
    For follies past, and, with warm heart,
    Forgive, and be forgiven. Let work not words
    Thy virtue prove. Go act as well as prate,
    And then thy counsels will be strong,
    Thy reprimands avail. —ANON

    THE province of the historian is to gather the threads of the past ere they elude forever his grasp and weave them into a harmonious web to which the art preservative may give immortality. Therefore he who would rescue from fast gathering oblivion the deeds of a community and send them on to futurity in an imperishable record should deliver a plain unvarnished tale. [1][2]

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