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  • (1 min ago) The only way to Guarantee such --- is to use the app [ Glympse ] which requires us to share
    sms numbers.

    You can connect with Makta Pond at 720-295-8286 to facilitate your truth --- which I know is a lie.

    With Glympse as part of the "Share to" features of my mobile device --- I can share most anything via that app to you --- to the knocking down of your fucked up human game.

    Myholeirpole-adam4adam.com@FuckedUpHuman.net [ Valid Email address ]
    This is established as a TEMPORARY Binding -- as temporary as PROVING

    Blocking this channel confirms that my statements here [ claim ] is actual and your statements [ disclaimed ] are false. Good day.
  • (8 mins ago) I guarantee I am in Denver !!!!
  • (9 mins ago) Bullshit Fucking Liar --- The Location Settings on A4A Does Not Work That way --- you idiot!

    "I love to Fuck around with other bottoms I am near cap hill just haven't updated location setting"


    Either it tracks GPS from your mobile device -- which is the device you have --- LOCATION SETTING ACTIVE.

    Why do you bother creating such a deception into this view... you mother fucking asshole bullshit provocator ]

    @Gruwup2017 --- you are not a great reason
    Great Reaons Us Will Unite Peace
  • (13 mins ago) you prefer to meet at: [ your place ]
    but why would I be taking you up on that
    when at this very moment ---- I am on FACEBOOK LIVE creating a 24 hour video event --- in naming launch of

    #Makta.Pond : Playroom A.I.
    and Independence Day 2017

    Which started from the facebook account name of Makta Pond and carries to current live status on facebook under the name:

    James Martin Driskill

    You are a bug a boo --- if you do know realize what distraction you are making in this --- why should I not place your conversation into view of the ENTIRE LIVE WORLD?

    [ Consent Required To Continue ]

    You do not mind to be placed to the record of Facebook Live --- if you do mind --- tell me

    Happy 4th and move on --- Thank you
  • (16 mins ago) I love to
    Fuck around with other bottoms I am near cap hill just haven't updated location setting
  • (17 mins ago) 48 miles ---- so what is your plan?
    you are a bottom --- communcating from afar --- to another bottom --- and I am not sure what interests makes you desire to give me a GOOD MORNING rather than

    Happy Forth Of July -- Independence Day
  • (18 mins ago) I live up north but I am in Denver playing. I'm Jeff. Here's my number 970-381-3691. Let's fuckstud
  • (19 mins ago) good morning --- u wanna fuck? I am in Denver at LA VISTA MOTEL on Colfax --- rm 203
    I have the room for a week --- last day Mon 4/9 11am
    What intention do you want to make REAL --- since I don't think you have
    LOCATION settings --- I don't know how far you are right from now.
  • (48 mins ago) Morning stud

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