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  • (just now) Msg sent and unread by recipient Respecting this space --- when DEE decides to take HANDS in VIOLENCE @215a

    Broadcast in Performing Arts 11 months ago

    Note the AVATAR embeded in this --- shows siteadvistor for - --- TRUSTED and catagory
  • (2 mins ago) Msg sent and unread by recipient awesomekramoboneplayroom . schoo l / Following-The-Rules-Here / BlogTalkRadio-Awesome-Kramobone-Playroom /

    You know that these events are pressed into all time human hustory

  • (11 mins ago) if you would like to resolve the issues between us -- reconciliation -- is possible -- talk to Mr Francher Wisdom Wise to know that each of us can comment inside each others background Truthfinder check report --- and place TRUTH into the record for all the world to know...

    This statement of truth time passing --- the barrier between the Good -- Upward and The Bad Downward is called #The-Quickening ---- and your are of Addictus if you stay the same as you as

    Talk real with your cousin eh?
  • (15 mins ago) meme . gruwup . net --> / #Kramobone-The.Good --> #Sammie.Lee.Francher --> QR

    ===> QR-Sammie.Framcher.jpg

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